Rest Pt 1 2016 // Personal

It feels strange and backwards to be posting a photo circa 2012, from Sedona, Arizona, on a cold, windy and snowy Monday in Minneapolis, but I promise, this will all make sense soon!

For the better part of 2 years (who am I kidding, since high school), I've been working full force almost every day of the week. If it wasn't homework, it was a part time job or two or five. If it wasn't working in an office, I was photographing and editing and spending hours behind the computer. If I wasn't nannying, I was running what felt like a million miles a week. Always go go go, until I'd get knocked on my backside by the stomach flu or an illness or a cold that was trying desperately to get me to SLOOOOWWWW DOWN. 

So I would. For the duration of said sickness and once I felt even 75% back to "normal," it was back to work I went. 

Until fall 2014 when I encountered a health situation that had me on a rollercoaster for the better part of a year. I didn't know what was happening, I'd tell my family and friends. And they would remind me to SLOW DOWN. Take time to figure out the issue and solve it. 

So I did. And I realized that when I rested, when I unplugged (or tried my hardest to), I felt better. I slept better. I exercised stronger. I was more present and felt like I was seeing life for the very first time before my eyes. 

But then life picks up again - the phone keeps ringing and the emails keep coming in and I'm grateful more and more every day. 

When I decided to take this business full-time FOR REAL in 2016, I told myself I'd finally conquer that rest thing. I would do something about it! 

After a January that felt like it went by in a flash, I decided to take every Sunday in February away from my phone, email and computer to take in time with family and friends, in community and also a little in solitude (which I'm the absolute worst at!). I wanted to start reclaiming my LIFE and putting more of that into my every day life. 

Yesterday, for the first time in forever, I turned off my phone. And you know what? No one even called me! A friend texted and I didn't get it but the world didn't end! It was a miracle! I spent the day with Luis, putting up images and words and reminders around our apartment to stay positive, live in the moment, love each other deeply ... and we watched the entire Super Bowl. A fact that I don't care much about but I can't remember the last time I actually watched something in it's entirety without falling asleep 20 minutes in or getting bored and getting up to DO SOMETHING. 

It was amazing. I feel rested and relaxed and ready for a great week ahead! 

And sure, there were times I reached for my phone to google something or text a friend, but when I realized I didn't have it, a sense of freedom rushed in. I didn't have to be in touch with anyone other than the person right in front of me, who deserves to have that attention and quality time. 

I'm hopeful that this pattern continues and I can keep up with the resting plans I've got for the rest of the month - and I'd love to hear how you take your own rest days & Sabbath Sundays!


Josie // Bat Mitzvah


Lolo, 6 months // First Year